There are many ways that each of us, as individuals, strive to bring justice and mercy into the world on a regular basis. We may contribute financially to a cause or give of our time. Every effort we make, every contribution we give reflects a personal effort to repair the brokenness of the world around us.
In Hebrew, the concept of “repairing the world” is called Tikun Olam. It is a mystical concept that suggests that the isolated moments of peace and harmony that come with restoring justice and mercy around us, ultimately represents the foundation for a world of perfection. Thus, through our ongoing efforts to help others in their time of need, we lay the groundwork and pave the way for a Messianic age to come.
We may never personally experience this perfect world proposed by our faith, but each of us can certainly find inspiration and meaning in our ongoing struggles to bring about such a reality. We understand that we have been given stewardship over the earth, and while that task is daunting, we also understand that we are not alone in our endeavors.
With every mouth we feed, with every body with clothe, with every heart we heal, with every person we help – God is with us.
On Sunday, December 13, our congregation will seek to fulfill the commandment of Tikun Olam through our Tenth Annual Mitzvah Day. The details for this special congregational day of doing mitzvot may be found on page 4 of this bulletin.
Join us as we strive to repair the brokenness around us. Join us and make a difference in the lives of many. Join us as we strive to translate the words of Isaiah into action and lay the foundation for a perfect world to come.