Dear Friends,
Each year on Passover, we remember and retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt. At the Seder, the Haggadah serves as our guidebook as we retrace our ancestral steps from slavery to freedom. Through the use of collective storytelling, our faith compels us to see and understand that “until all are free, none are free,” and that the path to redemption is a communal journey.
This year, the messages of our festival are more important than ever. This year, our understanding of collective redemption is elevated has we confront a global pandemic. This year, when we say, “until all are free, none are free,” we remind ourselves that we are all in the same boat, and the plague of COVID-19 has launched us on a voyage that must be addressed collectively.
As we prepare for Passover (which begins on Wednesday night, April 8), we understand that our Seders may be very different. They may be smaller and more intimate. They may be facilitated by technologies that can bring us together even though we are in separate locations. They may be limited in terms of what we can do in terms of ritual, as Passover items are in short supply. Yet, despite any compromises we may need to make, the messages we glean from our Haggadah will be more relevant than ever.
The ‘Passover Resources’ page on the HCRJ website provides useful information to help you lead a Seder on your own. Please click here to view the page. Be sure to visit this page often as we will be updating it with new information daily as Passover nears. There are also a number of virtual community Seders that are open to all.
May your preparations for Passover be meaningful, and may you find ways to connect with family and friends despite the crisis that surrounds us.