Dear Friends,
Passover may be over, but its primary message about freedom lingers freshly in all of our hearts. Through the rituals of the Seder and the words of the haggadah we collectively embrace an unwavering commitment to the idea:
“Until all are free, none are free.”
This message is of particular importance as we witness the ongoing oppression of the Rohingya people of Myanmar (formally Burma). According to Amnesty International, the Rohingya are among the most persecuted minorities in the world. Although they have lived in Myanmar for centuries, they are reviled as “outsiders” by the government and denied freedom of movement within the country they call home.
Who are the Rohingya people and what is their story? These questions will be addressed in detail at a special Sabbath service this Friday night, as HCRJ joins congregations around the world with a unified response to this humanitarian crisis.