A proud mother and father stand in front of the congregation holding a swaddled infant in their hands. The smile on their faces warms the heart of all in attendance, as their baby daughter receives her Hebrew name, tying her to the generations that have come before and those yet to be. She lets out a small squeal as she is blessed. The congregation giggles and her family kvells.
A 13-year-old boy is called to the Torah. He takes a deep breath and reads his portion with confidence. His parents and grandparents stand by his side as he symbolically embraces a new role in our faith. The congregation bears witness to the concept of L’dor VaDor – the transmission of our values from one generation to the next.
A couple stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as they receive the final blessing under the chuppah. Their shared hopes and dreams are being formalized, as they celebrate their union with family and friends. As the glass is smashed, the community joyously exclaims – MAZAL TOV!
A beloved grandfather dies, and his story is shared with those who have gathered to mourn. He was an active member of HCRJ; his children grew up here; and now his grandchildren are in the religious school. His passing is a loss for everyone who knew him, but his legacy of love and devotion continues to pulse through the lives of all who were blessed by his presence.
These are the moments that link generation to generation.
These are the events which define the Jewish value of L’Dor VaDor.
For so many of us, the most meaningful moments of our lives are inextricably woven into our relationship with Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism. Most of us have shared a sacred event in the sanctuary. We have laughed together, and we have cried together. The experiences shared in our sanctuary, social spaces and religious school have shaped who we are and how we identify as Jews. Our spiritual home at HCRJ has been the center for countless “everyday” moments which continue to remain impactful and enduring as the years unfold: the friendships cultivated over an Oneg Shabbat or a youth group retreat, the spiritual connections felt during worship, the meaningful discussions shared at an adult education class, the desire to make a difference in the world stirred by our work in the realm of social action.
Indeed, these are the moments that link generation to generation.
These are the moments that define L’Dor VaDor.
For close to 70 years, Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism has served the Houston Jewish community in a very special way. Our approach to Jewish life has remained intimate, inspiring, inclusive, and inspirational since our inception. We are, and always have been, a family: a family that has worked together over the generations to foster connections with people inside and outside our walls through meaningful, lived Jewish experiences. Our congregational family is something to be proud of as we commit ourselves to directing our God-given capacities toward the betterment of the world around us.
This is our legacy. It is rooted in the past, anchored in our membership today and is something worth preserving for the future.
This moment in time calls upon us to sustain and strengthen what past generations have built. Together we can ensure that our children and grandchildren will have the same firm commitment to Judaism and its ethical values as our ancestors did before us. Our obligation is to leave a legacy for tomorrow’s generation, and that legacy begins with each of us.
For now and for the future, please consider being part of our L’Dor VaDor Legacy campaign as we seek to build an endowment that will ensure our vitality and vibrancy, our traditions and our innovations, our roots and our blossoms for many generations to come. By making a bequest or other planned gift today, you will be doing your part to secure Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism for the future.