Dear Friends,
As our secular year is coming to a close, so too are the stories recounted in the Book of Genesis. In the final chapters of this first book of the Torah, we find Jacob and Joseph beginning to prepare for their deaths.
Jacob and Joseph have overcome a great many of the obstacles which challenged them in their youth. Given the opportunity to lead, each has risen to the occasion. Given the opportunity to make amends, each has met these painful moments with courage and integrity. And in the end, each has achieved a sense of inner peace and harmony, a stature of strength and wisdom, and a spotlight in the birth of our people.
Like Jacob and Joseph, we all hope to look back on a life well lived and see that we are leaving lasting legacies for the future. There is a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment knowing that our values and dreams will continue long after we leave this world.
This is the primary purpose of our current efforts to build our endowment at HCRJ. A bequest in your will to the L’Dor VaDor Legacy Endowment Fund is a beautiful way to ensure that Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism will continue to nurture Jewish learning, worship and fellowship in intimate, meaningful ways for generations to come. In making a promise for an afterlife gift, each of us can know in our hearts that our Jewish values will continue to thrive and grow well into the future.
If you wish to receive a call from me before the end of the year to learn more about this program, please click here and I will reach out in the coming days.