Dear Friends,
Yesterday was a national day of giving called, #GivingTuesday, and if your inbox was like mine, most of the emails were from charitable organizations seeking to find support. This wonderful new forum for charitable contributions serves to remind us that, as a community, we can do more together than we can ever do alone.
Yesterday’s internet based giving platform provided us with an opportunity to focus our philanthropic efforts toward the causes that inspire us toward a more just and compassionate world. It also served to remind us that together we can affect change at home and across the world.
In a way, #GivingTuesday, also serves as a kick-off for our December social justice programming at HCRJ. With a desire to help make a difference in the world now glowing within our hearts, we are ready to invest our time and energy into the following programs (details can be found in this e-bulletin):
1. December 6: HCRJ Social Justice Bus Tour
2. December 13: Mitzvah Day
Please join us for both of these programs and extend the mindset of tikkun olam (repairing the world) that was initiated by #GivingTuesday.