Join us starting at 6:00 PM for a fun-filled Family Shabbat night and Ice Cream Oneg as we get our kids excited about going to camp this summer.
Whatever camp they may be attending, and even if they are not attending camp at all, this service will charge our kids up for a summer of fun. Our new Youth Engagement Director, Michelle Renfrow will also be in attendance. She is looking forward to meeting everyone!
Services will be followed by an ice cream oneg in the court yard. All are welcome to wear Shabbat whites.
You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
HCRJ retains its Classical Reform philosophy through the use of a modernized edition of the Union Prayer Book. It contains extensive transliteration of most of the Hebrew prayers, thereby enabling those who do not read Hebrew to participate in the liturgy. We encourage you to discover within its pages a fresh approach and a return to the ideals of Reform Judaism.