Dr. Maurice M. Mizrahi will join us on Zoom to speak about the Jewish history of the country. Dr. Mizrahi was born and raised in Egypt until he was forced out in November 1967 after the Six-Day War, at the age of 18. He will cover the ups and downs of this ancient community, which has thrived and sustained itself since the Exodus, in spite of periodic persecutions, and about his own family and rich personal experiences. He’ll speak about such Egyptian luminaries as Saadia Gaon and Maimonides, the Arizal and Radbaz, about the splendor of ancient Alexandrian Jewry, about that treasure trove of Judaica known as the Cairo Geniza, about the Karaites, about many achievements of the community, and about modern times, which led to the practical extinction of Egyptian Jewry for the first time since biblical days.
Dr. Mizrahi was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1949, one year after the State of Israel. Forced out of Egypt in 1968, he came to the United States as a refugee and studied physics at the University of Texas at Austin, where he obtained his doctorate in 1975. He then moved to Washington DC where he worked on defense-related matters, first as the Center for Naval Analyses for 7 years, then in the Pentagon for 27 years.
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