This past weekend we enjoyed a holiday honoring past presidents of the United States of America. This coming weekend we will be honoring the past presidents and current leadership of Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism with a special service and beautiful oneg.
Since our inception as a congregation, Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism has taken great pride in the fact that we have a very active and committed lay leadership. Our sense of community is rooted in an ongoing determination to work, learn and grow together, and with each new chapter of our unfolding history, our congregational presidents and board members have played an instrumental role in enabling us to meet the challenges of the day.
Through this special Sabbath Service in their honor, we will recognize the HCRJ presidents past and present. Through a number of rituals designed to reminisce and celebrate, we will look back at some of the leadership decisions which helped shaped our past as we begin to formulate our visions for the future.
Please join us Friday night, February 20 for a wonderful Sabbath of celebration.