Dear Friends,
This past weekend, we were in Chicago visiting Elliot. We were bundled from head to toe as twenty degree weather stung our faces. The trees were leafless, as trees should be in the winter months. That night, we flew back to Houston where we were greeted by Houston’s version of winter weather, and as the week has unfolded, so too have the azaleas in our yard.
Today, it’s 80 degrees outside! Certainly, our ancestors could not have conceived of such strange climate shifts when they came up with the idea of Tu B’Shevat to mark an annual anniversary for trees. Nonetheless, this Saturday is Tu B’Shevat (15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat). On this special holiday, which is very similar to Arbor Day, we take time to broaden our awareness of the value and importance of trees in the world.
In honor of Tu B’Shevat, try spending some time with the trees this week. Consider some of the ecological challenges that face us today around the globe. Think about your own habits and how they may impact the environment in positive and/or negative ways. Let Tu B’Shevat serve as a means to appreciate the delicate ecological balance of the earth and its ongoing call to us to protect it for generations to come.