I am sure we can all agree that this year has been an eventful one on so many levels, including our 60th anniversary celebration which was a tremendous success. The Season of Penitence will soon be upon us, and there is much upon which we should reflect. I hope you and your family will be able to join us at HCRJ during this special time.
Enclosed you will find a packet containing information to help make our High Holy Days services run smoothly. We ask that you examine the information carefully. Following these guidelines in a timely manner will allow all of us to enjoy the most sacred of holidays.
As we look forward to the holidays, it is my hope that you, your family and friends will come together at HCRJ to experience the sense of bliss and contemplation offered at our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. The HCRJ Board of Trustees wishes you and your family a healthy and joyous new year.
If you have any questions about the enclosed information, please feel free to call the HCRJ office at 713-782-4162.
Warm regards,
Bruce Shelby, HCRJ President