Welcome to the HCRJ High Holy Days guide! On this page, you will find guidance on worshiping in person, worshiping from home, purchasing honey, including names in the Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance, the service schedule and more. This site will be continually updated as new information becomes available.
High Holy Days questions? Please contact Beth at 713-782-4162 or Beth@hcrj.org.
Worship In-Person
Join us in-person at HCRJ for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Everyone must have a ticket in order to be admitted to each of the evening and morning services. Tickets are not required for any of the Family Services or the Yom Kippur Transition & Reflection Period, Afternoon and Memorial and Concluding Services.
Members in good standing will be mailed their tickets the week of September 9th. Members in good standing are those who have paid in full (1) the previous fiscal year’s (2023-24) membership dues, building fund & security fee and (2) the first quarter of this fiscal year’s (2024-25) membership dues, building fund & security fee.
Worship From Home
Streaming of all High Holy Days services is also available by clicking here.
Service Schedule
Service dates and times are listed below. All services will be archived for later viewing.
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2 at 8pm
Dessert reception to follow
Rosh Hashanah Day: Thursday, October 3
9:15am Family Service
11am Adult Service
Kol Nidre: Friday, October 11 at 8pm
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday, October 12
9:15am Family Service
11am Adult Service
1pm Discussion Hour
2:15pm Transition and Reflection Period
3pm Afternoon Service
4pm Memorial and Concluding Service
Light bite bagel reception to follow
In recent years, Rabbi Gross has included the voices of our membership in one of his High Holy Day sermons. This year, he will explore: What gets us through the greatest challenges in our lives? To share a major challenge you faced in life and what got you through it, please click here.
Order Forms
We have created one form for all holy days orders, sign-ups and donations, including names for the book of remembrance, ordering a memorial plaque and purchasing jars of honey from HCRJ’s very own bee hive and more. Click here for the order form.
Competing in Goodness Food Drive
Participate in Competing in Goodness, a competition between faith centers to see who can raise the most food for the food bank. This year’s program will benefit both the Houston Food Bank and East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministries. Please drop off your non-perishable items in the collection bins in the Oppenheimer Foyer at the temple.
Click here for answers to all High Holy Days related questions.