Dear Friends,
Every year on Martin Luther King Day, our nation sets aside time to remember and celebrate the legacy of a man whose life was dedicated to fighting for equality. From voting rights to criminal justice reform and beyond, King’s work had in imprint on how our country has evolved in regards to fair, equitable treatment of all individuals under the law.
Throughout the decades since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, this commitment has been tested repeatedly, and it is our responsibility as a Jewish community to make sure our community and our nation continues along the right path. Historically, Jews have remained steadfast in the pursuit of justice, however, we cannot rest on our laurels. Racism is still as alive as ever, and we cannot afford to ignore or downplay this reality.
Our observance of MLK Day on Monday, served as a national reminder of the enduring value of King’s legacy and our responsibility to keep it alive. This work is ongoing, and each of us has a role in ensuring progress in the pursuit of equality for all people regardless of the color of their skin, how they pray and who they love.
Please join us this Friday night at Shabbat services, as we seek to honor the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through our Third Annual Gospel Shabbat. This special musical Sabbath seeks to ignite our passion for justice through the inspiring voices of the iEmerge Singers from The Church Without Walls.