Dear Friends,
The American Jewish community has a long history of supporting causes that ensure the liberties of all human beings in the world, and during this past weekend in Philadelphia my sense of pride in our faith’s commitment to human rights was elevated. In the course of three full days, Beckye and I were able to visit three amazing museums: The Museum of the American Revolution, the Liberty Museum and the National Museum of American Jewish History. Each in its own way addressed the value and importance of liberty, and each was generously supported by Jewish families and foundations.
Our faith’s commitment to liberty is not new. It is rooted in a very long history of oppression and persecution which has brutally demonstrated the necessity to defend and uphold the rights and freedoms endowed to all people. On the heels of Juneteenth (commemorating the Emancipation Proclamation) and in the midst of a month in which LGBTQ communities throughout the country are marching in pride parades, each of us has an opportunity to reflect of the value and importance of promoting liberty and justice for all.