Dear Friends,
Sunday was Father’s Day, and I hope that everyone had a wonderful day celebrating fatherhood and the joys that come with it. I know I did. As a father, few things are more satisfying than knowing that your children are growing up, and as my children range in age from 8 to 21 years, I feel blessed to be able to join my children as they journey the path from childhood to maturity.
Father’s Day (as well as Mother’s Day) serve to remind us of the fact that this lifelong journey is one of the greatest joys a parent can behold. These special days help us appreciate the sacred nature of this relationship we have with our children.
It was not until this year, however, that I considered what these days represent when our parents pass away. Having lost my father a little over a year ago, Father’s Day has taken on an additional level of meaning. While in the past, I always had my dad to call; I always had a card to send; and I always looked forward to receiving a card from him regarding the blessings shared between a father and son; this year was different. This year served as a kind of fatherhood memorial day. This year, I took note of the love I miss, the goofiness I miss, the kindness I miss receiving from the man who shaped the person I am today.
I can only pray that I am doing the same for my children, and that after the brunches are consumed and the cards are read – the lingering legacy of Father’s Day for my children and for all who observe this special day will be the memories of the dad’s we have. These memories endure as part of the fabric of our lives and remain with us as a blessing that spans the generations.