Dear Friends,
The fun-filled festival of Purim comes each year during the Hebrew month of Adar, which started on Monday. For this reason, following Hebrew saying is said throughout the month to remind us to enjoy life to its fullest.
Mi-sh-Nich-nas Adar Mar-bim B’sim-cha
With the coming of Adar, comes increased joy and gladness.
Among the many things associated with the joy of Purim are food and libation. In many ways, Purim and its festivities is like Marti Gras. In the spirit of this playful celebration of life, we will observe Purim in two different ways this year.
Our first celebration is an Adults Only Purim experience called, POUR ‘EM for PURIM. This open tap event at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery will take place on Thursday Night, March 9 from 7:00 -8:30pm. Enjoy Persian food, boundless beer and interactive, stand-up spiritual entertainment by “Rabbi Brian” of Portland, Oregon. Click here for more details and RSVP information.
Our second celebration of Purim will take place on Friday night, March 10 at our Sabbath Services. Join us for the reading of the Megilla, a costume party, a carnival oneg with inflatables for our children and Purim activities for all ages.
We hope the playfulness associated with Purim will increase joy in our community throughout the entire month of Adar and beyond.