Dear Friends,
In this week’s Torah portion, we find the smallest letter in the entire Torah. Commentators suggest that this small letter, which is referred to as the “shrunken ALEF,” is the Torah’s way of suggesting that we should posture ourselves with humility.
This is a powerful idea, as a humble disposition is an important quality to embrace. A little humility can go a long way to promote good communications and expand the human capacity to learn and grow.
Every so often, however, a little ego can be a good thing too, and this Friday night may be such a time.
Join us for Karaoke Shabbat! This Friday night at 6:30pm. Show off your voice or simply join us for an amazing Shabbat oneg of joyful entertainment. Cocktails, beer, and wine will whet our whistles as we watch and sing with HCRJ members over lite bites and heavy snacks.
Don’t be shy! Don’t be humble! Just join in the fun and spread Shabbat joy with song!