One of the greatest aspects of being part of a small congregation is the fact that every idea has merit and every voice has a say. At HCRJ, we take great pride in the fact that a majority of our most successful programs have emerged from the passions of our membership. This only happens when we are able to meet on a regular basis and assess the direction of our congregation together.
This coming Sunday, we will gather together, once again, as we set our sights on next year. This year, we are adding some strong community building elements to our Annual Meeting programming. Please join us…
WHAT HCRJ Annual Meeting
WHEN Sunday morning, May 15
TIME 9:00 – 10:00 am – Pancake Breakfast &
Photo Legacy Program
10:00 am – Meeting
We need your voice and your input as we will look ahead to the challenges and opportunities we anticipate in the coming year.
We need a quorum to make our decisions Kosher, so please be here to be a part of the vote.
Thank you all for a truly amazing year and for the privilege of being your Rabbi.