Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is Lag BaOmer, a holiday marking the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. This relatively obscure observance in Reform Jewish circles is a fun-filled day in the middle of a ritual period of counting called “The Counting of the Omer”. This ancient custom is based on the commandment:
“From the day after the Sabbath, the day that you bring the sheaf of wave-offing, you shall count off 7 full weeks.” Leviticus 23:15
This biblical mandate to “count the Omer” implores us to count our days for seven weeks from Passover to Shavuot. For generations, these days of counting have come to represent ways of counting our blessings.
This week we will be counting our blessings as a congregation in two very special ways. Please join us for each of these events:
Teacher Appreciation Shabbat: Friday night, May 4:
This Friday night, we will be honoring our teachers with a special Shabbat service. Please join us for a wonderful fajita dinner followed by a celebration of our teachers as we express our gratitude for all they do.
Pancake Breakfast and Annual Meeting: Sunday, May 6:
This coming Sunday, we will gather to set our sights on next year. Please join us as we look back on the blessings of the past year and plan for many more blessing in the year to come. We need your voice and your input.
WHAT HCRJ Annual Meeting
WHEN Sunday morning, May 6
TIME 9:00 am – 10:00 am – Pancake Breakfast and Registration
10:00 am – Meeting
On this Lag BaOmer, let us consider the blessings that fill our lives with meaning and value. May this day of counting help us remember to count our days and enjoy them to their fullest.