Dear Friends,
Tomorrow Jews around the world will observe, Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. This annual day of remembrance designates sacred time devoted to recalling the horrors of the past as a means to shape the present and the future.
We must never forget that the atrocities of the Nazis demanded a complicit society. We must never forget that the horrors of the Holocaust were rooted in fear, intolerance and hate. The slogan, “Never Again,” can only be realized if the entire world is committed to overcoming the voices which perpetuate and promulgate hateful rhetoric in society at large.
This Friday night, we will set aside sacred time at the HCRJ Family Services to remember and reflect. This year our remembrance will be shaped by the voices of our children, who have composed prayers and poems in response to what they have learned about the Holocaust in religious school. As our children represent the future, may their words give us a sense of hope that slogan, “Never Again,” can be a reality rooted in a more tolerant tomorrow.