Tomorrow is Veterans Day, a day set aside each year to honor those who boldly put their lives on the line to protect the values of our nation. These men and women are our parents, grandparents, siblings, children and more. Their service weaves us together into a broader patriotic community that is much like a giant family. We are proud of who they are, and we are indebted to them for their boundless dedication to serve.
Veterans Day can also we understood as a day of collective appreciation and communal reflection. From this perspective, it is a day that provides us with a wonderful opportunity to bring hearts and souls together in celebration of those who have served and continue to serve our country. Their ongoing service helps us remember that the values we share should never be taken for granted.
This Friday night, November 12, we will honor, celebrate, and reflect. With songs and meditations, we hope to bring our community together as we proudly embrace our American values and celebrate those who have fought hard to protect them.
May the dedication and valiance demonstrated by the men and women who serve in this capacity motivate us to uphold the virtues of our nation. Their service is an inspiration to us as we work collectively to be a beacon of liberty and harmony for all the world to see.