Our new Director of Education, Betti Buck, has created a beautiful monthly e-message for religious school families called Motto of the Month. This month’s motto is based on the following teaching from our sages:
אֵיזֶהוּ עָשִׁיר הַשָׂמֵחַ בְּחֶלְקוֹ
Eizehu ashir? Hassameach bechelko.
Who is rich? One who is content with one’s lot.
(Pirke Avot 4:1)
In her message this month, Betti encourages all of us to find contentment every day and challenges us to develop a gratitude attitude. Here is a snippet from her message.
The Hebrew term for gratitude is hokarat hatov, which means, “to recognizing the good.” Practicing gratitude demands recognizing the good that is already ours. A simple and effective way to practice gratitude is by making expressions of thanks part of everyday life.
As Thanksgiving and Chanukah are just weeks away, developing a gratitude attitude can go a long way in nurturing contentment in our hearts. May all of us find an abundance of opportunities to give thanks for all we have.