Dear Friends,
Every year, Veterans Day represents a way to honor our veterans who boldly put their lives on the line to protect the values of our nation. Their service to our country weaves us together in a way that is central to our identities as Americans. The hard work and dedication to our military is something we should never take for granted.
On Friday night November 11, we will honor the veterans of our nation with a sacred service – BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP
If you or a loved one have served in the military, please respond to this email and let us know. We want to honor all of our veterans.
Additionally, we are putting together a photo gallery of our men and women in uniform. If you have a photograph, please scan it and send it immediately as we hope to honor every one of our members who served in the military – past, present and future.
May the dedication and valiance demonstrated by the men and women who serve us in this capacity inspire us to uphold the virtues of our nation as we work collectively to be a beacon of liberty and harmony for all the world to see.