Dear Friends,
As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to take a moment to publicly express my gratitude for a few things that bless my life every day.
As a rabbi:
I am thankful that HCRJ is blessed with such an amazing staff in the office. Across every aspect of our synagogue, our staff holds a love of HCRJ and Judaism at the core of all they do. I am thankful for the boundless dedication of our membership and leadership. It is because of what each of you bring to this place that makes it so special.
I am grateful for the ability to serve a community that dreams with me. Together we have envisioned many creative ways to meet our growing demands. It is also a blessing to be able to return to “in-person” worship and programming.
As a father:
I am thankful for the joys that come with raising four wonderful children, and I feel truly blessed to have all them all together this year for Thanksgiving.
As a husband:
I am blessed with an amazing partner in life. Beckye’s boundless support is sometimes overlooked, but I am thankful to my core for everything she does.
We all have so much for which to be thankful. As we prepare for this wonderful American Holiday, it is my hope that an abundance of good things in our lives will bless us all.
Happy Thanksgiving,