As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to take a moment to publicly express my gratitude for a few things that bless my life every day.
As a Rabbi:
I am thankful that HCRJ is blessed with such an amazing staff in the office, in our worship settings and in our religious school. Across every aspect of our institution, our staff holds a love of HCRJ at the core of all they do.
I am thankful for the boundless dedication of our membership and leadership. It is because of what each of you bring to this place that makes it so special.
I am grateful for the ability to serve a community that dreams with me. Together we have envisioned many creative ways to meet our growing demands.
As a father:
I am thankful that for the joys that come with raising four wonderful children, and I feel truly blessed to have all them all together this year for Thanksgiving and Chanukah. I know that this will become increasingly difficult as the years unfold.
As a husband:
I am blessed with a partner in life who shares my dreams and my values. Beckye’s boundless support is sometimes taken for granted, but I am thankful to my core for everything she does.
We all have so much for which to be thankful. As we prepare for this wonderful American Holiday, it is my hope that an abundance of good things in our lives will bless us all.
And as we experience the blessings for which we are grateful, let us also get ready for a special day set aside for “Giving Back”.
Mitzvah Day is Almost Here: Sunday, December 7th, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Join us as we bring our community together in the spirit of healing some of the brokenness of the world around us.
L’Shalom – Steve