Dear Friends,
Sukkot is a festival filled with remarkable wisdom. From the frail structures we construct to the nature-based rituals we perform; Sukkot helps us recognize that we are all part of something much greater than ourselves. As complex as life can often seem, Sukkot reminds that the simple pleasures are what matter most.
This beautiful fall festival invites us to celebrate our place in cycles of life and encourages us to live according to the following passage from the Book of Ecclesiastes (which is the book of the Bible we read on Sukkot): “. . . there is no better thing under the sun than for one to eat, drink and be joyful.” (Ecclesiastes 8:15).
Sukkot began on Monday. At HCRJ, we have a great new sukkah in our courtyard with enough space for all to enjoy.
Join us on Friday night for our congregational sukkot celebration. Have a nosh in our new sukkah, shake the lulav and the etrog, and get the New Year started in a way that is connected to God and nature.