Dear Friends,
Turn it and turn it again, as everything is in it. Reflect on it and grow old and gray with it. Don’t turn from it, for nothing is better than it. (Pirkei Avot 5:22)
Simchat Torah was observed on Monday and Tuesday in most Jewish communities around the world. At HCRJ, however, we will be observing this special day honoring Torah in our lives on Friday night.
Celebrate with us as we join forces with Congregation Shma Koleinu and Kosher Klezmer for an extradordinary evening for members of all ages. During this music filled celebration of Torah, we will unroll the entire scroll for all to see; we will tour the Torah from start to finish; and we will dance with the scrolls to the joyful sound of live klezmer music.
Services begin at 6:30pm. Klezmer concert will follow!