This weekend, Jews around the world will observe, Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. With music, ritual, prayer and memorial readings congregations and communities will spend time remembering the 11 million people who were murdered in the Holocaust. They will set aside sacred time devoted to recalling the horrors of the past and the fact that the atrocities of the Nazis were the result of an entire society which was driven by fear, intolerance and hate.
This Friday night we will set aside sacred time at HCRJ to remember and reflect during our Sabbath worship services. Through musical selections and liturgical meditations we will take time to remember the Shoah with the hope that our memories of the past will compel us to refrain from being bystanders to injustice, intolerance and hate in our world today.
Additionally, a community-wide Yom HaShoah service will be held on Sunday, April 27 at 3pm at Congregation Beth Yeshurun.
L’shalom –