Dear Friends,
At our Shabbat services this Friday we will be observing the Festival of Shavuot at HCRJ (the actual day for the holiday is Sunday). This ancient festival, commemorating the receiving of Torah at Mount Sinai, marks the moment in our history when we became a people defined by the laws and teachings of Torah. This year our Shavuot observance will be framed by two Torah-centered celebrations.
The first celebration is Confirmation. Through Confirmation, our 8th and 9th grade students take the opportunity to publicly declare their commitment to Judaism, thus providing all of us with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the centrality of Torah in our lives.
We will also rejoice in revelation as we join Abby Perkins and her family in celebrating Abby’s becoming bat mitzvah. Through this ancient rite of passage, we communally recognize new found leadership and religious responsibility in our youth.
Join us this for two beautiful ceremonies celebrating the newest links in a chain of leadership in our tradition that reaches back to Sinai.