Join us for a special Gospel Sabbath on Friday, January 12.
In honor and memory of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., our Sabbath music will be sung by the Gospel choir from The Church Without Walls.
In honor and memory of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., our Sabbath music will be sung by the Gospel choir from The Church Without Walls.
You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
HCRJ uses of a modernized edition of the Union Prayer Book. It contains extensive transliteration of most of the Hebrew prayers, thereby enabling those who do not read Hebrew to participate in the liturgy.
We encourage you to discover within its pages a fresh approach and a return to the ideals of Reform Judaism.
The purpose of this camp, which takes place outside of Houston, is to promote transformational encounters through a residential camp for Israeli, Palestinian and American teenagers. Dialogue is facilitated by United States diplomats, former Israeli and Palestinian combatants, artists, and religious leaders from each faith. These brave souls have committed themselves to learning from each other despite the ongoing context of hatred and violence that surround them every day. Learn about this groundbreaking camp and how it has transformed these peace-minded teens as our guests will share their experiences.
You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
Celebrate the first 60 years of HCRJ and toast to the future. We will install our new board members for 2016-2017. A champagne reception to follow services.
All are welcome to join us at 7:15 Friday nights for Shabbat Services. You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
HCRJ uses of a modernized edition of the Union Prayer Book. It contains extensive transliteration of most of the Hebrew prayers, thereby enabling those who do not read Hebrew to participate in the liturgy.
We encourage you to discover within its pages a fresh approach and a return to the ideals of Reform Judaism.
They have been singing as a duet in a variety of worship settings throughout Houston for years, and at our Mostly Music Shabbat on March 9, they will bless us as well. This service will be mostly music.
The oneg after services is sponsored by Kitty Kahn in honor of the birthdays of Mike Kahn and Dee Dee Dochen and is also sponsored by Kaki and Larry Buck.
You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
HCRJ uses of a modernized edition of the Union Prayer Book. It contains extensive transliteration of most of the Hebrew prayers, thereby enabling those who do not read Hebrew to participate in the liturgy.
We encourage you to discover within its pages a fresh approach and a return to the ideals of Reform Judaism.
You do not need to be a member to join us in prayer as we welcome the Sabbath bride. Immediately following services, we gather together at the oneg (joy) for cookies and conversation.
HCRJ uses of a modernized edition of the Union Prayer Book. It contains extensive transliteration of most of the Hebrew prayers, thereby enabling those who do not read Hebrew to participate in the liturgy.
We encourage you to discover within its pages a fresh approach and a return to the ideals of Reform Judaism.